Thank you for visiting the exhibition at the Southwark Heritage Centre & Walworth Library.

For more information about the Southwark Heritage Centre & Walworth Library including opening times, please visit the website here.
What does your borough mean to you? How is it changing? What do you hope for the future?

We want to capture some of the energy, creativity and community spirit that makes Southwark special to bring together in a celebratory Southwark today exhibition in 2022, and ensure that these stories become part of the archives to create a resource for future generations.

The objects and photographs on display here are a small snapshot of some conversations we are having with local people and organisations.

But it’s not the whole picture -  we need your help!

We want to hear from those of you who have a memory to share, a project to tell us about, or photos of the borough from 1990 to the present day. You don’t need to live in Southwark - we are interested in any connections you might have to the borough, past, present or future.

Thank you for keeping the display Covid safe by not touching anything. 

Get involved!

Do you have a memory or story about Southwark?
Tell us about it here!

Do you want to submit your project to the archive or propose a workshop?
Download the brief here.

Who’s in the case?

F.A.T Studio
London College of Communication (LCC)
Justyna Kabala

The Feminist Library
Khroma Collective
Supersmashers at the South London Gallery

All black and white photography by Phil Polglaze.

Watch the film here!

Please note this video does not have sound


This film was edited with archive material by Bella Riza for Syrup as part of the Southwark today project, 2021.

With thanks to Lisa Soverall and Patricia Dark, the London Screen Archives, Chocolate Films, Ole Jensen, People’s Company / John Whelan and Constantine Gras and Community TV Trust.
Featured archive footage:
Charming Southwark, 2011. Cuming Museum Youth Panel. Southwark archives / Chocolate films.

Growing Up in Southwark, 2013. Cuming Museum Youth group. Produced by Chocolate Films.

Jobs for a Future, 1990. The Visual Connection and Issue Communications for Southwark Council.

Looking for Sierra Leone, 2011. Southwark Council / South London Gallery.

Millwall Black and White: a portrait from the terraces, 2018. Bede House / Ole Jensen. Made as part of a Lottery heritage funded project.

Not Our Problem, 1980s. Blackrod for Southwark Council.

Southwark’s Pride, 1981. Worldwide Pictures for Southwark Council.

The Melodramatic Elephant in the Haunted Castle, 2017. People’s Company / John Whelan and Constantine Gras.

The Way Forward, part of Mosque: the Story of Islam, 2011. Produced by Community TV Trust.


Research assistant 
Toni Dyer-Miller

Exhibiton design support
Émilie Loiseleur

With thanks to 
Nana Opoku
Ambrose Omoma
Lisa Soverell & The London Screen Archives

Syrup 2022